The Innovative Academy mentoring session was held again at the Grand Keisha (04/11). In this session, the topic raised was Legal Framework by Florencia Irena Gunawan, S. H., LL. M. or commonly called Nana who is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University.
According to Nana, no matter how good a startup idea is, it will be difficult if it does not comply with the legal aspects. The session began with a discussion about what a startup is, its types, and why a startup must have key success factors in the fields of technology, business strategy, capital, and others including legal aspects. Legality is crucial in establishing a startup because a business entity is a legal subject. Therefore, in carrying out and conducting its activities, the company must comply with the applicable laws and regulations. As additional information, the government has provided OSS (Online Single Submission) or Electronic Integrated Business Licensing which can be used in managing business licenses by business actors.
When discussing business entities, Nana sparked a discussion by asking, “What legal entity will you choose?”. Some answered PT, one of which was because the assets between the company and personal assets were separated. In addition, by establishing a PT, the opportunity to develop a business will be greater and easier to get capital from banks. As a startup company, the main characteristic of a startup is that it cannot be separated from technology, especially in the creation and development of digital applications such as computer programs. Therefore, it is important to register IP rights as a form of protection for the copyright and to obtain other rights such as economic rights. Finally, business ethics need to be applied when the company interacts with all stakeholders and is used as a basis for consideration in the entire decision-making process in the company. One of the goals is to increase awareness of the importance of morality in business, which not only focuses on operational activities, but also must balance between attitudes and values. By applying business ethics, the company can get many benefits such as a good reputation, trust from stakeholders, increased customer loyalty, and increased company value.