The team at Innovative Academy is ready to help get your business to the next level. Coming from a wide array of backgrounds, every single member is knowledgeable, well-connected and eager to turn your idea into a thriving business.
Program Director
Dr. Kompiang is Deputy Director of Business Development and Incubation at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. He is also a lecturer in Chemical Engineering, and has extensive experience mentoring university research-based startups and products.
Innovation Lead
Being the largest university in the country means having its own challenges in bringing together all different disciplines to work together and create sustainable innovations through cooperation. Because of this, Danny coordinates the Innovative Academy program with all university entities to extend its benefits to all.
Head of Program
I love improving startups and companies. My greatest strength is being able to quickly and easily fix startup or company problems that most people aren't even aware of. Over the past ten years, I've helped 8,000+ young entrepreneurs learn about startups, incubated 850+ startup founders, and built over 250+ startups.
Public Relation & Partnership Manager
As an experienced Public Relations and Partnership Manager, I have the ability to build and maintain good relations with business partners, the media and the public. I understand the importance of effective communication and have the ability to convey clear and powerful messages through multiple channels. I also have the ability to negotiate and make deals that benefit all parties.
Creative Branding Manager
Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations. Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. Presenting your idea through visualization is on of the clever way to give good brand impression
Data, Startup, & Alumni Manager
As a data management professional, I have been instrumental in the implementation of various data-driven initiatives, including the startup incubation program. I have successfully established communication and collected data from various sources, including Innovative Academy UGM mentors and partners. My ability to schedule startup selection and mentoring has resulted in the successful launch and growth of numerous startups.