In the third week of the Innovative Academy Incubation, Yahya Ahmad, the Chief Operating Officer of Maukerja Indonesia, was invited to speak on the topic of “Rapid Prototyping.” Maukerja Indonesia is a startup based in Yogyakarta that provides career consulting services and directly connects job seekers with professional human resources.
Yahya divided the meeting into two sessions. The first session consisted of a presentation and an explanation of the rapid prototyping concept. In the second session, each participant was given time to implement the diagrams and prototypes as previously explained.
During the first session at the EDS UGM Building on March 18th, Yahya explained the process of structuring designs and ideas and transforming them into flowcharts, which serve to illustrate the flow of a system. Flowcharts demonstrate how a system operates by depicting each step in a diagram and connecting them with arrows to indicate their relationship. These flowcharts can then be used as a reference for creating prototypes of the system.
“When creating a prototype, we need to determine its focus. The purpose of the flow diagram and prototype is to simplify procedures and facilitate others in understanding the flow of the system,” he explained.
After the material presentation, Yahya allocated approximately 45 minutes for participants to create prototypes for their startups. Participants could create flowcharts or product prototypes based on their startup ideas. During this session, Yahya provided guidance and advice to both online and offline participants, and at the end of the session, the mentor reviewed the material once again. From this meeting, the startup talents were able to explain the flow of their ideas and attempt to implement them in the form of diagrams and/or prototypes. As the program progresses, it is hoped that the prototypes and system designs created can be further developed and eventually published.