Yogyakarta, September 28, 2024 – A total of 35 participants gathered at The 101 Style Malioboro, Yogyakarta, to take part in a Coding Jam event organized by Innovative Academy in collaboration with GeekGarden, a software development company specializing in innovative technology solutions. Three speakers from GeekGarden – Dhiazulfa Maulana, Achmad Fawait, and Masga Satria Wirawan – took turns providing in-depth presentations on the concepts and implementation of Node.js.
The event kicked off with an introduction to Node.js, covering key topics such as reading official documentation, installing Node.js using Node Version Manager (NVM), utilizing the Visual Studio Code (VSC) editor, and integrating with MySQL databases. Dhiazulfa Maulana emphasized the importance of NVM, stating, “Using NVM is crucial as it allows developers to install and manage multiple versions of Node.js simultaneously.”
In his session, Achmad Fawait highlighted the advantages of Node.js in running JavaScript on the server side. He explained, “Node.js enables JavaScript to run on the server, simplifying the development of JavaScript-based applications with a more integrated approach.”
The Coding Jam proceeded interactively, with participants enthusiastically asking many questions about the Node.js installation process. One of the most frequently asked questions was about setting status codes in Node.js-based applications. One of the speakers explained, “Status codes cannot be arbitrarily initialized. There are standard values that need to be followed. For instance, for successful access, the standard status code is 200.”
The Coding Jam concluded with a challenge session, where participants were tasked with completing assignments related to the topics discussed. This session was intended to help participants understand and apply the knowledge gained in Node.js application development. The event provided a deep understanding of Node.js for server-side development, equipping young developers with valuable experience in the programming world. (Editor: Dinda ; Doc: IA Team)