The mentoring program of Innovative Academy continued on Saturday (30/3) at the EDS building of UGM. In this fourth week, Innovative Academy featured Syafri Yuzal, the Director of PT Aino Indonesia, who spoke on the topic of Product Development.
The meeting began with a brief discussion and an introduction between the mentor and the participants. The mentoring process was divided into two parts: a mentoring session and a discussion session. During the mentoring session, the speaker explained the concept of Product Development in the context of digital startup development and elaborated on how to ensure that the startups created have a significant impact and are scalable.
“In the process, startups can iterate their product development based on user feedback. This is done to ensure that the product meets market needs and adds significant value,” Syafri explained.
From this session, the ten startup founders present exchanged opinions. It is hoped that this discussion will help the founders determine the direction of their startups and decide how their products can be expanded and further developed. (Writer: Ailsa / Documentation: IA Photos)