Continuing the #Hack4ID event previously held in Yogyakarta, the next target city for the Ideathon program initiated by the National Movement of 1000 Digital Startups is Surabaya. The National Movement of 1000 Digital Startups, with its MSIB program, collaborated with the Innovative Academy under the auspices of the Directorate of Business Development at Gadjah Mada University, successfully organized the #Hack4ID event held at Headquarters on March 9-10, 2024, attended by 58 participants.
The event was opened with remarks by Sausan Putri Pratiwi, representing the dedicated mentors of MSIB East Java and Business Development of Ngalam Ihub. “We believe that by gathering creative minds from various backgrounds, we can create better solutions for the complex challenges we face today,” she said.
During the mentoring session, nine mentors provided insights to each participant, including Astri Noviyanti, Project Management KUMPUL, Ayrton Eduardo Aryaprabawa, Founder CREVOLUTIONZ, Reza Zamir, Product Manager, Sevima & Co-Founder SyariHub, Sausan Putri Pratiwi, Business Development Ngalam Ihub, Dwi Arif Fiandita, Program Manager Jobhun Pranatha, Product Manager PT Sentra Vidya Utama, Rival Syah, Manager Strategic Partnerships Riliv, Danis Kirana, Communication Strategist & Co-Founder Dako Brand & Communication, Kevin Susanto Goly, CEO & Co-Founder Looyal.
Topics discussed included Lighting Pitch & Creating User Journey, followed by How Might We & Sprint Goal Setting, and the third session was Problem-Solution Fit. The activities continued with a seminar session to provide knowledge about product development and validation presented by Mr. Aldo Hardi Sancoko, SE., MM., Vice Dean of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, and concluded with a Mentoring session, where mentors provided their views and inputs on the issues to be addressed by the teams, allowing teams to refine their ‘Sprint Goal Setting’.
The second day’s Sprint master was presented by Gita from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. The event was divided into 4 sessions: the first session was Building a Feedback Museum, the second session was Ideation & Crazy8, the third session was Mentoring Session & Final Pitching, and the last session was Overview: Market Research. Presentation on Market Research was given by Reza Zamir, Product Manager of Sevima & Co-Founder of SyariHub. Out of approximately 58 participants, 13 teams were formed: Kawancara, Kalimasada, Astrotech, Arus, The Law, Salacia, Dolanrek, Peduli Ternak, Fosyuut, Corious Minds, Gorgeous, Horoeh, and Cocus.
We hope that the participants who have joined can be encouraged to design creative solutions that can address various global challenges, from climate change to public health. Through a series of idea validation sessions, participants will be given the opportunity to understand their respective business goals and explore the potential of digital technology through ideas or solutions that can solve existing problems in the industry or society.
(Author: Ailsa Isnania; Documentation: IA)