The topic of Branding and Positioning was presented by Rakhmat Ganda Wirawan, Senior Brand Marketing Manager & Global Project ENESIS GROUP, on Saturday (9/9) at Artotel, Yogyakarta. ENESIS GROUP is a company that oversees products such as Soffell, Adem Sari, Antis Antiseptik, Vegeta, Kispray, Force Magic, Plossa, and Amunizer.
Rakhmat explained that there is a distinction between a brand and a product, although they are closely intertwined. A product is an item or service produced by a company to fulfill the needs or desires of customers, in the form of physical objects or services that can be purchased or consumed by consumers. On the other hand, a brand encompasses the entire identity, image, and perception associated with a product or company. This includes elements such as the logo, name, corporate values, narrative, and reputation. To achieve a successful business, products and brands are often interdependent. A good product can build a positive reputation for a brand, and a strong brand can enhance the appeal of a product. Therefore, it is essential for brands to consider both the development of quality products and effective brand positioning strategies in their efforts to achieve long-term success.
The mentoring session continued with a discussion of several key aspects to be considered in branding and positioning, including understanding competitors. Understanding competitors involves conducting competitive analysis to comprehend how competitors position themselves, determining the most suitable product segmentation, focusing on core values that differentiate from competitors, and ensuring consistency in all aspects of the brand, from design to communication. Additionally, ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of brand positioning is necessary, with adjustments made as required.
In the final session, startup founders were tasked with creating brand and product strategies. Rakhmat also provided guidance on market segmentation, customer analysis, and various other quantifiable assessments.