The @techstars @startupweekend @ugm.yogyakarta mentoring session is assisted by seniors who are ready to help evaluate the business models of the participants.
After receiving criticism and suggestions through the mentoring stage and developing their ideas carefully, the participating teams then made a final presentation in front of the judges. The judges are tasked with giving an assessment to each team objectively. Interestingly, the judges didn’t just evaluate, but also gave constructive suggestions that the participants could implement even after the event had ended! Not infrequently the judges provide similar business references to make it easier for participants to benchmark.
Shoutout to our mentors & judges:
Irvindio (@kalikesia)
Tantya Hapsari (@kalikesia)
Ray Rezky (@bantuternak)
Annisa Swastika (@i-tallenta.indo)
Jatmika Prajayastanda (@undip.official)
Denny Wijayanto (@iaugm)
Triasmono (@media_twc)
Leonika Sari Njoto B. (@rebloodnow)
Edwin Adisasmita Indriantoro (@traveloka)
Board of jury:
Jaka Arya Pradana (@indosatoredoo)
Ridha Basuki (@gama.inovasi)
William Hendradjaja (@socialinnovation.id)
At the end of the activity, @seb.dhw as the Startup Weekend Facilitator also requested that the participants not just end their ideas, instead @startupweekend is a platform to be able to start sustainable startup ideas.