This time, the Innovative Academy mentoring session was held at Swiss-Belhotel International (11/11). The topic raised in this session was Pitching and Fundraising to prepare the participants for the Innovative Academy Demo Day. The session was opened by Denny Wijayanto, as the Innovative Academy Program Head, by sharing his experience in pitching. Before entering the pitching material, the speaker or commonly called Denny explained the types of funders such as investors, donors, government, and individuals so that the participants knew who their target audience was because each funder had their own characteristics.
The second mentoring session conducted by Innovative Academy was filled by Nurhidayah Rasyid, S. E., M. ACC., AKT., CPA or commonly called Dayah at the Grand Keisha (04/11). As the Founder of Dokter Finance, which is a company engaged in Corporate Governance Consulting, Dayah raised the theme of “Startup Finance” as the topic of discussion.
The Innovative Academy mentoring session was held again at the Grand Keisha (04/11). In this session, the topic raised was Legal Framework by Florencia Irena Gunawan, S. H., LL. M. or commonly called Nana who is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at Gadjah Mada University.
The Innovative Academy mentoring session was held again at the Manohara Hotel (28/10) with the screening of a video that was a video branding of Apple products. This session was filled by Muh. Faturrahman, who is the Network and Partnership Management Department Head at PT. Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia, which is the brand holder, manufacturer and distributor of Isuzu commercial vehicles in Indonesia. Faturrahman, as the mentor in this mentoring session, explained how the video from Apple could create a lasting branding, just like the strategy of how PT. Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia marketed its products.
From June 5th to 9th, 2023, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), through its Directorate of Business Development (DITPU), actively participated in InnovFest X Elevating Founders 2023 (InnovFest), held at the Singapore Expo by the National University of Singapore in collaboration with Informa Tech Founders 2023.InnovFest is an annual event that fosters collaboration within the innovation ecosystem and companies across Asia. This includes startups, venture capitalists, corporations, higher education institutions, government agencies, and media, all aimed at generating ideas, innovation, and influence to push the boundaries in Asia. The InnovFest activities revolve around three central themes:
The topic of Branding and Positioning was presented by Rakhmat Ganda Wirawan, Senior Brand Marketing Manager & Global Project ENESIS GROUP, on Saturday (9/9) at Artotel, Yogyakarta. ENESIS GROUP is a company that oversees products such as Soffell, Adem Sari, Antis Antiseptik, Vegeta, Kispray, Force Magic, Plossa, and Amunizer.
Product Market Fit was presented on Saturday (9/9) by Alwy Herfian S, the Co-founder of Widya Indonesia Group. The presentation commenced with the sharing of experiences related to the development of the Widya Indonesia Group startup. The Widya Indonesia Group startup encompasses various fields, including IoT, Robotics, AI, and others, with 75% of its focus directed towards the construction sector, which has seen significant implementation within the IKN. The mentor explained that there are several interrelated phases involved in achieving product market fit and problem solution fit, which serve to rectify shortcomings from previous stages.
The subject of Product Market Fit was expounded upon by Mr. Alwy Herfian S, the Co-founder of Widya Indonesia Group. His presentation commenced with a sharing of insights and experiences related to the development of startup ventures within the Widya Indonesia Group. The group’s startup portfolio spans diverse fields, including IoT, Robotics, AI, and others, with a notable 75% involvement in the construction sector, where numerous implementations have been realized within the context of IKN (presumably an organization or institution). The mentor elaborated on the interconnected phases of achieving Product Market Fit and Problem Solution Fit, each phase serving to address and rectify shortcomings from previous stages.
The mentoring activity for the Innovative Academy Incubation Program was conducted on the 14th of September 2023, at the EDS Building, Universitas Gadjah Mada. The esteemed mentor for this session was Mr. Fadli Wilihandarwo, the Founder of SchoolStartup, and the chosen theme of the day was “Product Development.”
In collaboration with #Hack4ID, the Incubation Program at Gadjah Mada University once again took place in Yogyakarta. This initiative was organized with the objective of aiding industry stakeholders in addressing regional and industrial challenges through the innovative potential of aspiring startup founders.